Review: Avène Cleanance Cleansing Gel

Hi! I'm very excited about this review. Besides being my first real one, I'm happy there are many positive things to say 😊

I want to start off by telling you about my skin problems briefly. (Just some of them, since I have many  😢 ) 
From the age of 12, I started having tiny little bumps on my forehead. So many! As years passed by, they started fading on my forehead but traveled down to the cheeks.  Then, I had a severe cystic acne. (Maybe I'll share some pictures later) I took Isotretinoin (Accutane, Roaccutane, etc.)  I had a period of clean skin, with scars though! And finally, the tiny massive bumps came back... and all over my face. 

That's how sad my story is. 

I obviously didn't want to take medicine again, so I spent years trying masks, soaps, rutinas, etc. A few days ago, in the Avéne Mexico Facebook page, they shared a post showing their Cleanance line for blemished skin.  To be honest, I don't think the more expensive the better when it comes to skincare, and neither after not getting satisfying results with Clinique.  I already knew avene wasn't that cheap, however, I read excellent opinions about the cleansing gel in the comments .  Hey, they were praising it like a miracle product. That made me curious and I looked up for more reviews in other pages, and all of them were very positive. Many of them praising their miraculous properties as well.

Honestly i would have never considered buying a special soap, until then. Well, I did! I bought it at Liverpool, for about $440 mexican pesos.  I know it isn't the cheapest, however, it was an "Economical Pack" limited version, which, according to the lady at the counter it is twice the normal size, which is about $420.

Well that was enough for me. If it normally costs almost the same, and for half the amount of producto, shut up and take my money!!  Even though I hadn't seen the product in person before, it actually looked like a huge bottle when I first saw it. If you want to try it out, I recommend doing it now! before they run out of the limited version!  

Now, unto the review. 

I have been using it for like a week only. I know it isn't much, but I think it's enough to start acknowledging its positive features 😃

First, it smells beautifully, which is not that relevant to me. The consistency is like any liquid soap, I can't really see the difference.  The bottle says "soap free". Excuse my ignorance but I don't really know what is the advantage of being "soap free" It doesn't lather that much. It does, but again, not much. 

After washing your face with this cleanser comes a nice feeling of cleanliness :D but the best thing?! Skin definitely doesn't feel dry or tight like when you use other soaps for blemished skin. Actually, it feels soft! Strangely hydrated and soft. I had never felt my skin like that after washing my face, which I love. 

After these days using it, I have to recognize that my eternal tiny bumps have diminished a lot! i almost don't have them anymore! You can see a huge difference in my forehead. I'm sure that I'll see incredible results soon at this pace. 

Another of the best results I've gotten with this cleansing gel, is that it has controlled oil VERY WEEL. I realized it after one day when I had to go out. I put on makeup and I didn't feel the need to put on a ton of powder afterwards. I ALWAYS used MAC Prep+Prime Transparent Finishing Powder to mattify and keep the oil at bay. Let me say it is the best powder I've tried so far, but this time I didn't feel the need to use any of it, and when i came back home, about 3 hours later, my face was still matte!  I didnt remove the makeup, and may hours later my skin was still the same! You feel me?! It's a miracle! 

So, whitout any further do, I've honestly been loving it. It's only disadvantage is that it is somewhat expensive, even with the jumbo limited edition. But, for the improvements I've seen, I believe it's worth it.  Of course I'm still open  to try other more affordable options, but as for now, I'm very happy with this one 😊

Best regards and kisses for you, ¡If you try it, don't forget to tell me! 

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